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Toast in Android is used to display a piece of text for a short span of time. When Toast is made, the piece of text is appears on the screen, stays there on the screen for about 2 or 3 to 5 seconds and disappears.

Kotlin Android – AlertDialog

Android AlertDialog class is used to display a dialog box to alert the user with positive and negative buttons. Positive button is used to continue with the action specified. Negative button is used to dismiss the alerted action. You may provide your own custom code when positive or negative button is clicked.

AlertDialog appears on top of the activity layout. You may not physically access any other UI components of activity other that Alert Dialog box.

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AlertDialog could be created only on UI thread.

Alert Dialog Box contains following three components.

  1. Title
  2. Message
  3. Buttons (that trigger Negative and Positive Actions)

To Create an AlertDialog, step by step process is

  1. Create an AlertDialog Builder using the activity’s context.
  2. Set message content using the builder.
  3. Set Positive Button Text and Action to be taken when the button is clicked using the builder.
  4. Set Negative Button Text and Action to be taken when the button is clicked using the builder.
  5. Create AlertDialog from the builder.
  6. You may set the title to the AlertDialog box using setTitle() method.

Note : All the setters (set methods) of AlertDialog.Builder return the modified AlertDialog.Builder and therefore supports chaining of methods. For example in a singe statement you can more than one setter.

Example 1 – Android AlertDialog

In this Example Kotlin Android Application, we shall display an Alert Dialog if the user wants to close the application. If user clicks on Cancel button, the alert dialog is dismissed. If user clicks on Proceed button, the application is closed.



Run this Android Application in your Android phone or Emulator. You would get the following output on the screen, when you click on “Show Alert” button.


In this Kotlin Android Tutorial – AlertDialog Example, we have learnt to display an Alert Dialog box in Activity. We also learnt to set title, message and Positive, Negative buttons of AlertDialog.

Toast in Android is used to display a piece of text for a short span of time. When Toast is made, the piece of text is appears on the screen, stays there on the screen for about 2 or 3 to 5 seconds and disappears.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to display Toast in an Android Application.

Code – Android Toast

A quick look into code snippets of Android Toast – Kotlin Examples

From the examples above, makeText method needs context, toast message and toast duration (LENGTH_SHORT or LENGTH_LONG). And finally the show() method displays the toast for the specified duration.

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Example Android Application – Android Toast

Android Toast – Kotlin Example : In this Android Tutorial, we shall learn to make a Toast with example Android Applications.

We shall use following two tutorials in demonstrating Toast.

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Example Android Application with Kotlin Support Create Activity with name ‘ToastActivity’.

Button OnclickListener On click of a button, we shall display the Toast. This scenario could be generalised as displaying a piece of text when an event occurs.

A typical toast is shown below :

Following is the code for ToastActivity.kt and activity_toast.xml.



When the application is built and run on an Android device,

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Click on the button, “Click me for Toast” to display the Toast

Try changing the Toast duration from Toast.LENGTH_LONG to Toast.LENGTH_SHORT and observe the display duration differences.

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In this Kotlin Android Tutorial, we learned how to display a Toast upon some user interaction.

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